Tuesday, January 16, 2007

"Sue Sue, do I turn left here?"

I hate bad advertising. Those migraine inducing "Head On" ads are the worst. So even though I do get headaches, I will never buy Head-On simply cause I can't stand the commercials.

Next on the list is the "Tom Tom" ads - "Sue Sue, should I turn here?" asks the lost driver as the bewildered "Sue" wonders if her friend forgot to take her meds again... Bad advertising...

But as I stood in front of the many choice for a navigation system, Tom Tom (as annoying as a name can get) kept coming out on top. It works with any Bluetooth enabled phone, its portable (i.e. you can use it to navigate a walking trip in NYC), and you can choose from several non-irritating voice to tell you where to go (my little british woman politely tells me that I'm an idiot and should make a "legal U-turn" every 5-10 seconds). Something like this is an ESSENTIAL when you are shooting weddings every weekend! :)

So bad advertising be damned, but just in this one tiny, little instance....



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