Thursday, January 04, 2007

Nifty Cool CF Card Holder Thingie

Ok, I would love to say that I'm totally connected and I get advance notice on upcoming products....but I can't. I'm eagerly awaiting news on new releases from Canon, just like every other photographer who doesn't happen to be BFF with a Canon dealer (who I happen to know don't always get accurate "leaked" info!).

Nope, I'm just a gadget-obessed chick, who has been desperately seeking a good CF card holder. When I saw this Transporter Strap from Lowepro, at first I was vaguely interested - but then I saw it - a REMOVABLE-ON-STRAP-EASILY-ACCESSIBLE-CF-CARD-HOLDER-THINGIE!!!

Must have this!

Every other card holder that I've found involves cumbersome zippers, or velcro that takes both extreme finger strength, and a non-quiet-as-a-church-mouse moment to open. This neat little dealy attaches directly to your strap and has two LITTLE (yet secure) dots of velcro that hold your precious CF cards in their nifty neoprene pouches. Super easy access! And only a short "what was that" sound that no one would ever notice even in the most solemn of moments.

So the problem - not yet available (you can only get one with the purchase of the Transporter strap)! But the nice man from Lowepro actually emailed me back and assured me they would be available in about a month or two - and would be priced around $7.99 each (plus S&H).

Mmmmm, card changing bliss is only two months away!
(Yes, I need to get out more...)

Here is a link to the product if you just can't wait - or if you need a new strap anyway!


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